Hello Everyone!! To all family and friends, I am so sorry that I have neglected you all for so long! This is my new attempt to stay in touch. Since I am always on the computer, this is the best way to keep everyone up to date. I will just bug you every once and a while to take a look. Just to check us out and see what we are up to! Really most of the time, our lives are quite ordinary and boring so I will try not to make it too dry. But this coming year will be full of changes and news so stay tuned...
I will also try to get Matt to write. He is much less wordy and much more witty. That should change things up a bit for ya.
And of course there are the pictures....they really say the most. So if you do nothing else....take a look at those!
Thanks to Andrea Fallin for prompting me to start this (she doesn't even know).....
I am sooooo excited! On your settings, for your families sake, you can change it so non members can look. If you want them to be members too, rock on! Ahhh, I love blogs :0)
Dude...can you give me a teaching session to make my Blog as cool as yours?
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